In order to stand out in order to perhaps increase our chances of survival in a career that’s notoriously perilous. Like gladdened fools we imitate, we posture then when this is not enough we innovate. The concepts of art and entrepreneurialism have always operated together but perhaps at no other time have these two ideas become so necessarily coupled.
Is imitation ever enough? Perhaps it's possible to rise with the tide by imitating but it will never lead to lasting, meaningful success.
Great point that art and entrepreneurship are incredibly linked today: artists need to think like entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs need to think like artists.
[is imitation ever enough? T.davison 15 02 09]
I believe it is for most of us some of the time. After all crudely put it's an evolutionary advantage, imitation is useful. And it's the binary opposite of differentiate so we'd get bogged down if we failed to understand its purpose.
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